GIVING OPTIONSWedgwood has several options for giving Tithes and Offerings. Our goal is to provide you with an option that best fits your need. All of our options are safe, easy, and secure, and so pick the one that best fits you. As always, thank you so much for being faithful to give and support the work of our Lord at Wedgwood!
“The point is this, The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (CSB) ONLINE GIVINGYou can give to Wedgwood by using our Online Option. You can make a one-time contribution or schedule convenient recurring payments through Church Center in the app or on the webpage:
OTHER OPTIONSThere are several other options for giving Tithes and Offerings to Wedgwood.
Our Mailing AddressWedgwood Baptist Church
Attention: Accounting 5522 Whitman Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76133 Why Give Online?
You can prioritize giving in your budget.
The Bible indicates giving is to be a “first” and not a last or leftover matter in our lives. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. It is easy to let our standards and intentions be compromised by the press of expenses and billing cycles. You can increase your faithfulness. Have you ever forgotten your gift, left it at home, or pledged to double it in the future? Have you had times when you have fallen behind because of travel and other scheduled interruptions? Online giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness. You can help your church. Through online giving, you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and strengthen our Church’s base of regular support. You can encourage faith and faithfulness in the lives of fellow believers. As you plan and prioritize your giving, you will lead the way for others to grow and mature in their spiritual stewardship. Being a forerunner in this new area of planned giving, you can provide personal testimony and example for others to follow. Beyond Our Tithes
Missions, our building (mortgage & renovation), benevolence, and other ministries are funded by Offerings that are above and beyond contributing to our MINISTRY BUDGET (TITHE). When you make your online contribution, you’ll see these different categories. Prayerfully consider what God might be calling you to do as good stewards of His blessings.
Acts 1:8 Missions Fund
Because missions is a strong part of the identity of Wedgwood, we’ve established a separate budget called the Acts 1:8 Missions Fund.
A separate account allows individuals to give monthly to help them better budget what God has led them to give toward missions and to help our church support missions throughout the year. Wedgwood supports former Wedgwood families whom God has called to serve as missionaries, both short-term as well as career. Our Acts 1:8 Missions Fund has allowed Wedgwood to sponsor trips to six of the seven continents and more than 50 countries, several more than once. We have sent several thousand people and given several million dollars to support missions around the world. Wedgwood has sent missionaries as far south as Australia and as far north as Alaska. We have sent missionaries to the Ukraine, Romania, and Russia in the former communist bloc, France, Spain, and Wales in Europe, Swaziland, Senegal, and Algeria in Africa, and Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela in South America. Wedgwood families have also shared Christ in China, India, Malaysia, Madagascar, and many other places in the world. We have ongoing mission work in Ethi0pia, Wales, Rome, Vancouver, Papua New Guinea, Alaska, and Seattle. We partner with churches and missionaries on the field to reach the people of these countries. Between Wedgwood members on short-term trips and former members serving as career missionaries, Wedgwood has shared Christ in 55 countries. At Wedgwood, we also believe missions starts at home. Funds contributed to our Missions Fund support many local ministries, including Beautiful Feet, Pregnancy Lifeline, Cornerstone Assistance Network, and Church Plants. Wedgwood believes missions is an important part of what God has called us to do. We hope you will consider how God will have you support these missions in prayer, through financial donations, and by serving. |
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